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Member Groups

Central Young Adults & Thirsty Thursdays

Central has a vibrant Young Adults Ministry. The group has events scheduled throughout the year. If you have questions, you can contact Susan Landrum or Rev. Kate Culver. A monthly event is ‘Thirsty Thursdays with Central.” Details are below.

7 p.m. monthly at Manuel’s Tavern

Central members meet monthly at Manuel’s Tavern for a time of informal fellowship. While this event was initially for Young Professionals, the event is open to all ages. Guests are welcome and no RSVP is required! Manuel’s is located at 602 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30307.

Questions? Contact M.E. Davis at


The Rebekah Circle 

A Presbyterian Women’s Circle is a local life group dedicated to nurturing the faith and spiritual growth of women in the church and helping women develop church leadership skills. At Central, our Circle is called The Rebekah Circle. The Circle meets the second Monday of each month, from September through June. Questions? Contact Martha Kimes

Central Women 

Another great fellowship group for women of all ages, Central Women meets on the third Thursday of every month, from September through May. This group features speakers, engages in mission projects, and reflects together on various topics.

Questions? Contact Debbie Miller.

Central Men 

Central Men invites men of all ages for fellowship and conversation on the third Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at various locations and for breakfast on the first Sunday or each month at 8 a.m. Questions? Contact Brian Bishop


Bookworms meets once a month at a home to discuss books they are reading. It is an excellent time for fellowship and to discuss compelling topics. Questions? Contact Linda McCord.