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Music & The Arts

Music & Upcoming Concerts

Central features opportunities to participate in choral, handbell and multi-instrumentalist communities. We also thrive in connecting with others and host many soloists, choirs, and concerts.














Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is Central’s adult choir. This choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. and sings each Sunday morning for worship (except for approximately eight weeks when they take a summer recess). In addition to the literature sung on Sunday mornings, the Chancel Choir prepares major choral works that are sung either in worship or at other times in the life of the church. Music sung in worship is intentionally diverse and includes all styles of classical music, spirituals and gospels, global music, and other standard church music. The Chancel Choir is open to college-age students and adults. 

Chancel Choir Mission Statement

The Chancel Choir of Central Presbyterian Church leads worship by presenting offerings of musical, liturgical, and theological integrity that undergird the spoken ministry of the Word; they strive to faithfully interpret a diversity of expressions and forms of music; to strengthen and nourish those who gather to worship; and ultimately to glorify the Triune God, the source of all music.

Children's Choirs

Bethlehem Choir

Central’s Bethlehem Choir includes boys and girls from Pre-Kindergarten through first grade. They learn music fundamentals, vocal techniques and worship readiness skills, and they sing in worship several times during the church year. The Bethlehem Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m.

Nazareth Choir

Central’s Nazareth Choir includes boys and girls in second through fifth grades. The Nazareth Choir rehearses at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings.

Youth Choirs

Jerusalem Choir

The Jerusalem Choir is for both middle and high school youth from sixth through twelfth grades. This choir sings in worship approximately once a month from September – May, and makes occasional choir trips or combined music and mission trips. The Jerusalem Choir rehearses Sunday afternoons prior to Sunday evening youth group.

Youth Handbell Choir

The Youth Handbell Choir is for youth grade six through twelve. The choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9 to 9:40 a.m. No experience is needed to join the Youth Handbell Choir.

Geneva Handbell Choir

The Geneva Handbell Choir meets weekly from 5:30 to 7:25 p.m. on Wednesday evenings (August through May) and plays in worship monthly. Dedicated adults, and high school and college students make up this advanced handbell choir. Geneva Handbell Choir is one of the premier church handbell ensembles in the area.  They ring on six octaves of Schulmerich handbells and seven octaves of Malmark Choirchimes©.

For more information, contact Mason Copeland at

Liturgical Arts

The arts are a vital part of Central life.

Dramatic and interpretive arts are a part of worship at our church.

Visual arts are used in our worship spaces in a variety of forms including paper-lace cut banners and peace crane origami models.

Our Tull Hall Art Gallery hosts rotating  exhibit throughout the year displaying the work of leading artists throughout the world such as Ned BustardHe QiTimothy Botts, Christina Saj. We also host shows by Central members, such as lauded Atlanta artist and illustrator Norm Kohn.