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Anti-Racism Resources

Antiracist Practices for Faithful Leadership

Antiracist Practices for Faithful Leadership

Starting February 20


7 p.m.

This series, Antiracism Practices for Faithful Leadership, will meet for six consecutive Tuesday evenings via Zoom from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will be led by Shani L. McIlwain, a Leadership Trainer, Author and Antiracism Coach. Her role as facilitator and the training materials are through NEXT Church. Prior to each session, participants will have viewed a 30- to 45-minute pre-recorded video. The videos feature two teachers sharing their insights for how church members and leaders can embody antiracism.

One of this recorded series’ teachers is Jessica Vazquez Torres, who led one of our all church retreats and frequently attended Central when she lived in Atlanta. The goal of the program as explained by NEXT Church is to, “give us the opportunity to learn, explore and practice bringing racial justice to the core of our leadership”. The Mission Committee is the program’s sponsor Registration is limited. Sign up is available via the link below.

Questions? Contact M.E. Davis at

Commitment to Act Against Racism

Central Presbyterian Church of Atlanta emphatically affirms that Black lives matter. We are pained and outraged at the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, David McAtee, and countless others before them. We understand that these events are occurring against the backdrop of a global pandemic and economic and political uncertainty, all of which disproportionately affect Black, Brown, Indigenous people and returning citizens.

We believe White supremacy is a violent pathology that is destructive to society and a sin that is incompatible with the kingdom of God. This continues to be evident when Black demonstrators are met with state-sanctioned violence.

We believe that God desires full equity among God’s children and unrestricted participation in community life. We recognize that the church is imperfect and that Scripture has been misused to justify White supremacy and racism.

We acknowledge structural racism in society limits the expression of the full spectrum of God. God’s completeness in church and in society will only be achieved when people of all colors can respect and trust each other as equals.

We proclaim that the Bible presents an insistent witness to God’s love for diversity and justice as heard in the words of prophets who reject oppression; seen in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ; and experienced through the work of the Holy Spirit, who consistently blows through human divisions to reveal God’s love for humanity.

We believe we must dismantle racism if we are to reflect the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We do not expect this to be easy. Standing with our Black congregants and community requires us to match our words with bold and fearless actions. Therefore, we commit ourselves to,

● Engage in deep reflection of our own history and complicity.

● Direct more of our resources toward supporting racial justice initiatives.

● Form meaningful partnerships with anti-racism organizations.

● Advocate for changes in discriminatory public policies.

We seek to grow in solidarity with people seeking justice and fighting racism, we share the burden of grief and anger, and we desire a more perfect society that treats people with dignity. Central Presbyterian Church loves and serves the city of Atlanta. We bear its daily stress; we cry for peace and justice.

Anti-Racism Resources

7-day Online Protest for Social Justice with The King Center

The ongoing protests in major cities are not accessible to all who share our outrage and desire for change. People with high risk COVID-19 factors, or those quarantining to protect loved ones, or those simply far away from major cities, to name just a few, have been unable to lend their voices. Perhaps consider joining this ongoing online protest for social justice.

Anti-Racism Resources

Anti-Racism Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi

This anti-racist syllabus is for people realizing they were never taught how to be anti-racist. How to treat all the racial groups as equals. How to look at the racial inequity all around and look for the racist policies producing it, and the racist ideas veiling it. A wide-ranging list for people in various points on their anti-racist journey.

Anti-Racism Resources

White Privilege

This one-session adult study is part of the “Racism Study Pack” from The Thoughtful Christian. They are offering this downloadable resource for free at the links below. We encourage you to form a study group or email to members as a starting point. Consider purchasing the study pack from The Thoughtful Christian to continue your study as well.

Anti-Racism Resources

Responding to Racism

This one-session youth study from The Thoughtful Christian helps leaders guide preteens and teens through the complicated subject of racism. We encourage you to either lead your youth through this study (in-person or virtually depending on your situation) or email to parents to encourage a family study.

Anti-Racism Resources

For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World

This discussion and activity guide includes suggestions on how parents and teachers can talk with children about race and violence, ideas on how to create a safe space for meaningful dialogue, and more. It was written by the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, KY, a multicultural center and museum committed to promoting respect, hope, and understanding⁠.

The guide is inspired by For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World, an upcoming picture book by Michael W. Waters that will be available this September.

It tells the story of a boy named Jeremiah and his family who discover hopeful forms of activism and advocacy in response to racism and gun violence in their community.

More Resources

For more resources on Anti-Racism from PCUSA, visit